Lehdistötiedote, helmikuu 2017 Generation Riesling Stand with 10 producers “Bursting with Flavor: Germany´s Aromatics” – Such is the slogan of the German Wine Institute (DWI) at this year´s ProWein Trade Fair in Düsseldorf. From 19 – 21 March, some twenty still and sparkling wines from different aromatic varieties will be available for tasting at the […]
Kategoria: Arkisto
Harvest Report 2016
Lehdistötiedote, joulukuu 2016 After a terrific ending to a very labour-intensive and turbulent season, German producers are very satisfied with the quality of the crop. Find The German Wine Institute’s (DWI) detailed report below (pdf). Fully ripe and very healthy grapes could be harvested across the country thanks to the perfect late summer weather. Wine […]
Germany’s 2016 Icewine Harvest Commences
Lehdistötiedote, joulukuu 2016 During early morning hours of november 30th 2016 icewine grapes were being harvested in Germany. After prior insular reports from Saxony (nov 21st) most of the other 12 wine growing regions now brought in their deeply frozen crop to produce the aromatic speciality. Germany’s Wine Princess Christina Schneider from Franconia was amoung […]
Lehdistötiedote, marraskuu 2016 In most German winegrowing areas, a very relaxed 2016 harvest is drawing to a close. At the time of writing, in few regions picking is still underway for the late-ripening varieties such as Riesling and Spaetburgunder (Pinot Noir). Some estates are even hoping for an icewine. German winegrowers are on the whole […]
Viini & Ruoka 2016 -messut
Lehdistötiedote, lokakuu 2016 Viini & Ruoka 2016 -messut Helsingin Messukeskuksessa 27–30.10.2016Saksan Viinitiedotuksen osastolla 5k39 teemana Generation Riesling! Saksan Viinitiedotuksen osastolla on mahdollisuus tutustua oiviin esimerkkeihin maan laadukkaasta viinituotannosta. Osaston teema on Generation Riesling, joka on alle 35-vuotiaitten saksalaisten viinitilallisten verkosto. Ryhmittymä tuo nuorekkaalla ja ennakkoluulottomalla tavalla laadukkaita ja kuivia viinejään maailmankartalle. Mukana osastolla on myös […]
Lehdistötiedote 11.3.2016 The German Wine Institute (DWI) will be showcasing medal winners from national and international competitions at this year´s ProWein trade fair in Duesseldorf from 13 – 15 March 2016. Under the banner “Best of the Best – Medal-winning wines of Germany”, some 20 top wines will be available to the trade for open […]
Lehdistötiedote 7.3.2016 German wine exporters continued to focus on higher added value last year by exporting better-quality products but had to accept losses in terms of volume. As the German Wine Institute (DWI) announced in the run-up to the ProWein international trade fair in Duesseldorf, the average ex cellar price per litre of exported wine […]
Riesling & Co 2016
Lehdistötiedote 1.3.2016 Saksalaiset viinitilalliset maistattavat uutuuksiaan Vanhalla Ylioppilastalolla Riesling & Co 2016 -tapahtuma järjestetään Vanhalla Ylioppilastalolla maanantaina 4.4.2016. Tilaisuudessa voi tutustua noin 40 viinitilallisen laadukkaisiin valko- ja punaviineihin. Master of Wine Anne Krebiehl esittelee iltapäivän tastingissään Saksan Pinot-rypäleet. DWI:n johtaja Steffen Schindler valottaa omassa osuudessaan Generation Rieslingin lisäksi saksalaisten viinien tuoreimpia kuulumisia. Vanhalla Ylioppilastalolla vietetään […]
Lehdistötiedote 22.1.2016 The wait for the deep freeze was worth it after all. As the German Wine Institute (DWI) announced, on the 18 and 19 January many estates in almost all German wine growing regions were able to harvest grapes (mainly Riesling, Silvaner and Pinot Noir) for the production of Eiswein or ice wine. With […]